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Catheline Y.M. Froehlich,  O. Selma Klanten,  Martin L. Hing, Mark Dowton, Marian Y.L. Wong (in press). Uneven declines between corals and cryptobenthic fish symbionts from multiple disturbances. Scientific Reports.

Theresa Rueger, Rebecca Branconi, Catheline Y. M. Froehlich, Siobhan J. Heatwole, Marian Y. L. Wong and Peter M. Buston. The next frontier in understanding the evolution of sociality in coral reef fishes. Frontiers in Marine Science Front. Mar. Sci.,

Keiller MK, Lopez LK, Paijmans KC & Wong MYL (2021). Behavioural plasticity in a native species may be related to foraging resilience in the presence of an aggressive invader. Biology Letters, 17: 20200877. 

Rueger T, Buston PM, Bogdanowicz SM & Wong MYL (2021). Genetic relatedness in social groups of the emerald coral goby Paragobiodon xanthosoma creates potential for weak kin selection. Molecular Ecology, 30: 1311-1321. 

Paijmans KC, Booth DJ & Wong MYL (2021). Odd one in: Oddity within mixed‐species shoals does not affect shoal preference by vagrant tropical damselfish in the presence or absence of a predator. Ethology 127: 125-134. 

Barbasch TA, Rueger T, Srinivasan M, Wong MYL, Hones PM & Buston PM (2020). Substantial plasticity of reproduction and parental care in response to local resource availability in a wild clownfish population. Oikos 129: 1844-1855. 

Culbert BM, Ligocki IY, Salena MG, Wong MYL, Bernier NJ, Hamilton IM and Balshine S (2020). Glucocorticoids do not promote prosociality in a wild group-living fish. Hormones & Behaviour 127: 104879. 

Liss KCM, Lopez LK, Donelson JM & Wong MYL (2020). Predator–prey interactions and metabolic rates are altered in stable and unstable groups in a social fish. Oikos 129: 842-852. 


Paijmans KC, Booth DJ & Wong MYL (2020). Predation avoidance and foraging efficiency contribute to mixed‐species shoaling by tropical and temperate fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 96: 806-814.

Lopez L., Davis AR & Wong MYL (2019). The effect of density on aggression between a highly invasive and native fish. Ethology 125:876-884

Magellan K, Alexander M, Deacon A & Wong MYL. Behaviour and aquatic invasions in the 21st century: Progress, trends and future research. Aquatic Invasions 14: 412-416

Paijmans KC, Booth D & Wong MYL (2019). Towards an ultimate explanation for mixed-species shoaling. Fish and Fisheries. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12384

Cerato S, Davis AR, Coleman D & Wong MYL (2019). Reversal of competitive dominance between invasive and native freshwater crayfish species under near-future elevated water temperature. Aquatic Invasions 14 (in press).

Hing ML, Klanten OS, Wong MYL & Dowton M (2019). Drivers of sociality in Gobiodon fishes: An assessment of phylogeny, ecology and life-history. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.05.020

Colella DJ, Paijmans KC & Wong MYL (2019). Size, sex and social experience: Experimental tests of multiple factors mediating contest behaviour in a rockpool fish. Ethology 2019: 1-11.

Wong MYL, Gordon P, Paijmans KC & Rees MJ (2019). Finding rockpool fishes: a quantitative comparison of non-invasive and invasive methods for assessing abundance, species richness and assemblage structure. Environmental Biology of Fishes 102: 81-94.

McMahon SJ, Munday PKL, Wong MYL & Donelson JM (2019). Elevated CO 2 and food ration affect growth but not the size-based hierarchy of a reef fish. Scientific Reports 9: 1-10. 

Branconi R, Wong MYL & Buston PM (2019). Comparison of efficiency of direct observations by scuba diver and indirect observations by video camera for measuring reef-fish behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology DOI: 10.1111/jfb.13921      

Branconi R, Buston PM & Wong MYL (2019). A new non-invasive technique for temporarily tagging coral reef fishes. Copeia 107: 85-91.

Rueger T., Barbasch TA, Wong MYL, Srinivasan M, Jones GP & Buston PM. (2018). Reproductive control via the threat of eviction in the clown anemonefish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London

Hing ML, Klanten OS, Dowton M, Brown MR & Wong MYL (2018). Repeated cyclone events reveal potential causes of sociality in coral-dwelling Gobiodon fishes. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0202407.

Lopez, L.K., Hendry, K., Wong, M.Y.L. & Davis, A.R. (2018). Insight into invasion: interactions between a critically endangered and invasive crayfish. Austral Ecology Online First 1-8.

Lopez, L.K., Davis, A.R. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2017). Behavioral interactions under multiple stressors: temperature and salinity mediate aggression between an invasive and a native fish. Biological Invasions. Accepted.

Wong, M.Y.L., Beasley, A.L., Douglass, T., Whalan, S. & Scott, A (2017). Some anemonefish lack personality: a comparative assessment of  behavioral variation and repeatability in relation to environmental and social variation. Coral Reefs. Accepted.


Hing, M.L., Klanten, O.S., Dowton, M. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2017). The right tools for the job: evaluating the methodological approaches to understanding the evolution and maintenance of sociality. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. Accepted. 


Flood, E. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2017). Social stability in times of change: effects of group fusion and water depth on sociality in a globally invasive fish. Animal Behaviour 129: 71-79.


Paijmans, K.C. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2017). Linking animal contests and community structure using rockpool fishes as a model system. Functional Ecology 31: 1612-1623. 

Balshine, S., Wong, M.Y.L. & Reddon, A.R. (2017). Social motivation and conflict resolution tactics as potential building blocks of sociality in cichlid fishes. Behavioural Processes

Lopez, L.K., Wong, M.Y.L. & Davis A.R. (2016). The effects of the diel cycle and the density of an invasive predator on predation risk and prey response. Animal Behaviour, 117: 87-95

Wong, M.Y.L., Uppaluri, C., Medina, A., Seymour, J. & Buston, P.M. (2016). The four elements of within-group conflict in animal societies: an experimental test using the clown anemonefish, Amphiprion percula. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-016-2155-6

O’Mara, K., Miskiewicz, A. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2016). Estuarine characteristics, water quality and heavy metal contamination as determinants of fish species composition in intermittently open estuaries. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Lopez, L.K., Wong, M.Y.L. & Davis A.R. (2016). The effects of the diel cycle and the density of an invasive predator on predation risk and prey response. Animal Behaviour, 117: 87-95.

Donelson, J.M., Wong, M.Y.L., Booth, D.J. & Munday, P.L. (2016). Transgenerational plasticity of reproduction depends on rate of warming across generations. Evolutionary Applications. DOI: 10.1111/eva.12386.

O’Mara, K. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2015). Body size mediated effects of multiple abiotic stressors on the growth and social behaviour of an estuarine fish, Australian bass (Macquaria novemaculeata). Environmental Biology of Fishes 99: 95-104.


Matthews, S.A. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2015). Temperature-dependent resolution of conflict over rank within a size-based dominance hierarchy. Behavioral Ecology 26: 947-958.


Buston, P.M. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2014). Decision making in animal societies: a new evolutionary framework. American Scientist.


Naderi, M., Wong, M.Y.L & Gholami, F. (2014). Developmental exposure of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to bisphenol-S impairs subsequent reproduction potential and hormonal balance in adults. Aquatic Toxicology, 148 195-203.


Wong, M.Y.L. & Buston, P.M. (2014). Social systems in habitat-specialist reef fishes: Tests of evolutionary theory. Bioscience 63: 453-463.


Wong, M.Y.L., Medina, A., Uppaluri, C., Arnold, S., Seymour, J. & Buston, P.M. (2013). Consistent behavioural traits and behavioural syndromes in the false clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris. Journal of Fish Biology 83: 207-213.


Wong, M.Y.L., Fauvelot, C., Planes, S. & Buston, P.M. (2012). Discrete and continuous reproductive tactics in a hermaphroditic society. Animal Behaviour. 84: 897-906.


Wong, M.Y.L. (2012). Abiotic stressors and the conservation of social species. Biological Conservation. 155: 77-84.


Wong, M.Y.L., Jordan, L.A., Marsh-Rollo, S., St-Cyr, S., Reynolds., J.O., Stiver, K.A., Desjardins, J.K., Fitzpatrick, J. & Balshine S. (2012). Mating systems in cooperative breeders: the roles of resource dispersion and conflict mitigation. Behavioral Ecology, 23: 521-530.


Wong, M.Y.L. (2011). Group size in animal societies: the potential role of social and ecological limitations in the group-living fish, Paragobiodon xanthosomus. Ethology, 7: 638-644.


Reddon, A.R., Voisin, M.R., Menon, N., Marsh-Rollo, S., Wong, M.Y.L. & Balshine S. (2011). Rules of engagement for resource contests in a social fish, Animal Behaviour, 82: 93-99.


Wong, M.Y.L. & Balshine S. (2010). Fight for your breeding right: hierarchy re-establishment predicts aggression in a social queue. Biology Letters, 7: 190-193.


Wong, M.Y.L. & Balshine S. (2010). The evolution of cooperative breeding in the African cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher. Biological Reviews, 86: 511-530.


Wong, M.Y.L. (2010). Ecological constraints and benefits of philopatry promote group living in a social but non-cooperatively breeding fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 277: 353-358.


Jordan, L.A, Wong, M.Y.L. & Balshine, S. (2009). The effects of familiarity and social hierarchy on group membership decisions in a social fish. Biology Letters, 6: 301-303.


Buston, P.M., Fauvelot, C., Wong, M.Y.L. & Planes, S. (2009). Genetic relatedness in groups of the humbug damselfish Dascyllus aruanus: small, similar sized individuals may be close kin. Molecular Ecology, 18: 4707-4715.


Wong, M.Y.L., Munday, P.L., Buston, P.M. & Jones, G.P. (2008). Fasting or feasting in a fish social hierarchy. Current Biology, 18: R372-373.

Wong, M.Y.L., Buston, P.M., Munday, P.L. & Jones, G.P. (2008). Monogamy when there is potential for polygyny: tests of multiple hypotheses in a group-living fish. Behavioral Ecology, 19: 353-361.

Wong, M.Y.L. (2008). Gobies beat the queue-jumpers. Australasian Science, 32-34.

Wong, M.Y.L., Buston, P.M., Munday, P.L. & Jones, G.P. (2007). The threat of punishment enforces peaceful cooperation and stabilizes queues in a coral-reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 274, 1093-1099.

Wong, M.Y.L., Munday, P.L., Buston, P.M. & Jones, G.P. (2005). Habitat patch size, facultative monogamy and sex change in a coral-dwelling reef fish. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 74: 141-150.


Books and Book Chapters

Wong, Marian. Sex and sociality in fishes: The evolution of social and reproductive behaviour. LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2011.


Taborsky, M. & Wong, M.Y.L. (2017) Sociality in fishes: In Comparative Social Evolution. Eds. Rubenstein D & Abbott P Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K




Journal Publications


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